Monday, December 23, 2013

Round 7

          As you could probably tell, I wasn't too happy at all after my last three games. My dad said that I was spending too much time cooped up in the room, so, unfortunately, he forced me to go to the cafeteria to eat. The food still isn't good, but at least the lines are shorter. My prep was fairly quick today. I had time to do my independent study before the round.
          I got another opponent from KGZ today. His name is Aibek Isakzhanov. After an opening which I didn't know that well, but still played in theory for the first twenty moves, I got a very nice position. I created many weaknesses in his camp and eventually, I started attacking and eventually won two pieces. I converted the endgame pretty quickly.
          After analyzing the game, I decided not to come back to the room immediately. Instead, I stayed downstairs and played Foosball and blitz with Albert Lu and Colin Chow. Tomorrow's game is early, 10 AM. I need to do well in the next round to keep up my streak.

1 comment:

  1. Always listen to your parents, they are smart :-) Glad to hear the winning streak is back...finish strong...
